What is your service radius?

We currently serve our La Jolla, Pacific Beach, and La Jolla Communities. Any project received outside of our typical radius will be determined on a customer by customer basis, and may apply an extra premium per mile to the job site.

How do you determine pricing?

We only charge $0.35 per square foot of driveway/walkway/sidewalk, with a job minimum of $99. Our $99 minimum does not include taxes or as-necessary premiums for out-of-radius services or custom requests.

How can I book my Appointment?

Please click on the “Book Now!” button found on the top right of our website. Once done, the page will walk you through getting an automated quote and onto booking & payment  if interested. However, if some information is not known, you may click on the “Advanced Quote” option in which we will personally quote the job based on size, location, and other requests using our own software.

Please note: Pacific Beach Pressure Washing reserves the right to re-evaluate the quote if not accurately depicted within our automatic generator (dependent on size, location, and other custom requests).

What if I’m not happy with the way my cleaning turns out?

Prior to each cleaning, our professionals will take before and after photos for later comparison. We will also make note of each stain/spot that was unable to be removed (i.e. commonly caused by harsh chemicals, engine oil, etc). If it is determined that one of our professionals did not perform to our expected standard, we will do it again free of charge*.

*Please note: free of charge* is contingent upon the location and custom request of the initial booking*